










From time to time we will put Articles up here which may be of interest.



 Starting From Scratch

Last year, to his astonishment, Oliver Postgate was awarded a Fellowship of the BKSTS,  British Kinematograph, Sound and Television Society an august body of senior cinema technicians. The Fellowship was given for his "Contributions to the technical advancement of the motion-picture industry." Setting aside the fact that for the last forty years Oliver has at best ignored and, at worst, retarded the technical advancement of the motion-picture industry, he was none the less delighted to be given the honour, and when, at the Presentation ceremony, he pointed out this absurdity, it was received with acclamation and he was asked to contribute an article on his personal motion-picture industry to their magazine "Image Technology" Here it is  . . Click on the photo to read it.


Does Children's Television Matter ?

Our Honorary President Oliver Postgate, after the Radio 4 Programme in October 2002  wrote a  follow-up article setting out his feelings about Children's Television and its responsibilities.

 Please feel free to  read it, print it out and  circulate it...but if you should like to publish any parts of it, please contact us.

Click Here to read Oliver's Article.

Radio Times Article

On BBC Radio 4

on Saturday 26th October 2002 (but to be repeated 11.00am July 4th 2003)

there was a programme dedicated to The Sagas of Noggin the Nog and the work of the Dragons' Friendly Society 

Oliver, Peter, Loaf, Nick Park  and other Nog-fans were interviewed and there was an accompanying article in Radio Times. Click 'pon the link to read is a fairly slow to load file (and I scanned it in a bit wonky !).



Peter Firmin 

For those of you plagued with curiosity about our Co-Founder Peter , we have convinced him to allow some biographical information about him to be published - which is a little out of date but nevertheless pretty exhaustive ! Click here to read the 1989 article

For those plagued with biographical curiosity regarding Oliver, may we direct you here ?

